About Buffalo Bill

 “Buffalo" Bill Cooper – Vocals & Rhythm Acoustic and Electric Guitar
Buffalo Bill Cooper started playing guitar at age four and was heavily influenced by many types of music. His parents introduced him to Big Band – Glen Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Cab Callaway, Dizzy Gillespie and other acts of the 40’s. The youngest of three children, his older sisters also influenced him with their generation: bands like The Young Rascals, The Association, The Beach Boys, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and, of course, the Beatles.
In eighth grade, Buffalo had been excluded from choir, having been told he could not sing, which made him only more determined. He studied music extensively in high school and college. He was also in a three-piece band during grade school, influenced by The Yardbirds. Later, he was in a folk duo “Cameron and Cooper”, styled after Simon & Garfunkel. Then after high school in 1972, he played solo in and around the Portland, Oregon area until 1974 and eventually attended Mt. Hood Community College to study Music Therapy. 

Buffalo performed solo intermittently until joining the band Blank Check in February 2007. Bill performed with Blank Check until October of 2012, when the band separated to peruse other creative musical interests. In the spring of 2014 the band Blank Check reunited and has played some performing dates since then. On July 21st. 2014, the band performed their first Reunion Gig at ABV Pub House in Hillsboro, OR. The band Blank Check performed a few other various gigs, and Buffalo performed with the band until July 14, 2017 when he left the band to pursue peruse other creative musical interests. From 2017 thru 2019, Buffalo worked on writing new material and performed some solo performances. However, in 2020 live performances were stalled due to the Covid-19 SARS outbreak in December 2019. That coupled with that fact that Buffo was now age 66 years old, it seemed like it might be time to retire from music. His hope was to have been able to record his new material and release a second album. But due to minor senior citizen health issues, his musical plans were put on hold. His music future remains uncertain for now... he is retired and “watching the wheels go round” as John Lennon so aptly said it in his song, 'WATCHING THE WHEELS'. 

"I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round. I really love to watch them roll. No longer riding on the merry-go-round. I just had to let it go." ~ John Lennon. 

In 2011, Bison Music Entertainment was formed. Under BME, Buffalo Bill Cooper released his debut CD release, "Present & Past Tense." The CD includes music, written and composed by Buffalo, from the 1970’s up to today. Includes three bonus tracks from a 1974 recording.